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Agnes, Animals & Birds
In the world we live in today, a looming darkness on the horizon seems to be ever present. As we face a seemingly endless barrage of tempestuous waves, let us remember that what lies just beyond yet another approaching crest, out of view from our present vantage point, is the calm of a trough, and that one cannot take shape without the other.

Every time we find ourselves isolated and lost in a wilderness of despair, we must remember that the absence of light does not signify its non-existence, for the reality of existence is not bound solely to that which is seen. Humanity as a whole has lived, and more importantly survived, through turbulent times in ages past, navigating its way through storms employing faculties both seen and unseen - acting as one, in perfect harmony.

It is this harmonious relationship in the dichotomous co-existence of darkness and light that forms the backdrop of what we see in the eyes of Agnes - an eternal hope and faith in the unseen.

Animals & Birds    30 x 44 x 1    $7,579.00